Lets know more about Kubernetes Architecture.

When you deploy Kubernetes you get a cluster and the major 2 components of the cluster are 1. Node (worker nodes) and the 2nd one is Control Plane which was also been called the master node in past but as it's not good naming convection it has been called as control plane from then. So the question might come is what is a node is a worker machine in Kubernetes it can either be a virtual or a physical machine depending on the cluster. And the control plane manages the working node and pods in the cluster. So what's a pod? It's the smallest most basic deployable object in Kubernetes. A pod represents a single instance of a running process in your cluster. So there are major components in the nodes and Control plane to tell it in brief the components of the control plane are kube-schedular, API server, control manager and etcd. And the components of the nodes are kublet , k-proxy and container runtime. So now let's do a deep drive in each and every component

API Server-Its the front end of Kubernetes Control Plan. And its main purpose is it interacts with the worker nodes and the external system. The command line interface, web user interface, users and services communicate with the cluster through the API server.

etcd - It can be thought of as a data storage unit . Etcd stores Kubernetes cluster configuration and state data such as the number of pods, their states, namespaces etc. It also stores Kubernetes API objects and service discovery details.

Kube-schedular-So its major purpose is to watch for newly created pods with no assigned nodes and select a node from them to run on.

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