HTTP Basics

HTTP stands for HyperText Transfer Protocol. So why is http so important because its the foundation of the world wide web it is used to load webpages using hypertext links. So what is hypertext link so for that we need to understand hyperlink so hyperlink is simply a link means its digital reference to data and hypertext is a text with hyperlink. Getting back to http its a application layer protocol , the world protocal basically menas regulations.A typical flow over HTTP involves a client machine making request to serverwhich then send a response message . Each http request carries with it a series of encoded data and typically it consists of

  1. HTTP version type
  2. a URL
  3. HTTP Method
  4. HTTP request header
  5. Optional HTTP Body

Note - URL stands for uniform resource location basically its an address of the unique resourse on the Web.

HTTP Methos is basically the action that the http request expects from the queried server

HTTP header consists of information which is been stored in key-value pair and they are included in every http request .These Headers communicate the core information such as what browser the client is using, what data is been requested.